Careers enrichment and activities this half term

Career Bite talk on Marine Science & Oceanology

Ian Wilson, an Oceanologist from Benthic Solutions Ltd talked to pupils on the variety of jobs embracing Oceanology in the oil & gas industry, renewable energy, utilities and in Marine Science in Geo Physics/Geo Technics/Geo Chemists and Oceanography.

He advised that to work in either sector a degree in a Marine Science would be needed.  

For further information contact Gresham’s Careers – [email protected]

Poul Hoveson delivered a talk on estate management embracing his forty years of estate management in Denmark, Poland and Norfolk, together with Poul’s passion for innovative agriculture, combining traditional farming with the latest technologies.

George King, Gresham’s Lead Strength & Conditioning Coach gave a talk to sixth form pupils on the myths and misconceptions surrounding supplement use.

Gresham’s Careers welcomed Bob Goodson CEO of NetBaseQuid to give an Academic Enrichment talk to sixth form pupils. Bob shared practical tools and inspiration with sixth formers for career and education decisions in any field.