Competition and taking responsibility

Prep school > Pastoral Care > Competition and taking responsibility

There are three competitive houses: Borrow, Reith and Woodforde. Every child has the chance to contribute to their house in some way during the school year and house competitions encompass many areas of school life.

There is robust but healthy competition between the houses; children take great pride in their own house, whilst learning to respect the other houses successes.

Taking responsibility

We believe that it is vital for children to learn to take responsibility and it is important that they have the opportunity to take part in the decision making process. Children are encouraged to express their views and they are consulted on issues that affect them on a regular basis. We have a thriving School Council which meets regularly and whose decisions and ideas are implemented in the school.

Each year, the Prep School arranges around eight to ten fundraising events for local, national and international charities. In recent years the children have managed to raise remarkable amounts of money for those less fortunate than themselves. The School Council and other committees are child-led and driven, although adults are there to help and guide.

We take every opportunity to encourage children to look beyond their immediate environment and to develop social awareness and will to serve the world.

There are many other more conventional opportunities for children to take responsibility through such roles as House Captains, Team Captains, School and House Prefects, Library and Music Prefects.

“Pupils are highly motivated”