
Prep school > Co-curricular

The co-curricular programme available at Gresham’s Prep provides an exciting and engaging range of opportunities helping to enrich and stimulate pupils beyond the classroom.

Children who pursue these activities also have the opportunity to compete in inter-school events, participate in plays, concerts and festivals. We believe that music, performing arts and sport all play an integral part in the development of our children and that in addition to being fun they play a vital role in developing self- confidence and building interpersonal and social skills.

We strongly encourage our children to make choices. Our evening activities programme enhances the curriculum giving the children time to explore hobbies and interests (ballet, TaeKwondo, squash, LAMDA, Lego, DT and Art projects, street dance, roller-skating, swimsquad etc).

Gresham’s Prep School have been awarded the Gold LOtC Mark accreditation by the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom. This recognises our commitment to providing high quality learning outside the classroom opportunities for our students. We are so proud of the breadth of provision and opportunities that Gresham’s Prep offer for Learning Outside the Classroom. Our provision is not only part of our Outdoor Wild Learning School (OWLS) programme but right through the curriculum, our boarding provision and the life of the school.


Drama is an integral part of the curriculum. We encourage all children to perform on stage at least once annually in their year group production, and our Junior and Senior Plays offer further opportunity for dramatic development.


Music at Gresham’s is for everyone. We strive to nurture talent in our pupils from an early age, and encourage the development of musical skills and knowledge through our well-structured programme of extra-curricular music provision.


Taking part in sport is a big part of life in the Prep School and all pupils are given the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of sports at a level commensurate with their ability.

The School has a reputation for sporting excellence with pupils competing at regional and national levels, but we firmly believe that sport is for everyone and aim to ensure that children of all abilities and aptitudes have a positive experience and gain an appreciation of the enjoyment and benefits to be gained from physical activity.

Activities Programme

At the Prep School, we offer a wide range of Activities which can be pursued between 5.25pm and 6.25pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. On Saturdays, we offer a full day of enrichment for all our pupils from Year 5 upwards.


Our pupils have a whole host of opportunities to enjoy experimenting with a variety of dance styles in lessons and extra-curricular activities.

All children have timetabled curriculum lessons with our one of two specialist dance teachers.

“Creativity is encouraged, different talents and personalities are celebrated.”