Fantastic results for our A level and BTEC students
17 August 2023

Gresham’s is delighted to announce fantastic results for our A Level and BTEC students. 45% of A Level exams were graded at A* or A with 86.3% graded A* to C. Our entire BTEC cohort secured results of Merit and above with a quarter graded at Starred Distinction.
They have bucked the national trends that are being reported with the percentage of A* grades above our 2021 results and all measures from top grades to pass rate significantly above pre-pandemic levels from 2019.
Our students have also successfully fulfilled the requirements of their university offers with over 96% of those applying for 2023 entry securing their places already! A further 17 who have applied since leaving last year have all secured places too. Thanks to their hard work and that of all members of the school community, Old Greshamians will be heading off to Bath, Brighton, Bristol, Cardiff, Durham, Exeter, Edinburgh, Goldsmiths, KCL, Leeds, Loughborough, Newcastle, Nottingham, Sheffield, Southampton, Surrey, Sussex, UCL, UEA, Warwick, Westminster and York; as well as specialist institutions such as the Royal Agricultural College, Harper Adams, The Courtauld Institute of Art, Leeds Conservatoire, Manchester Conservatoire, University of the Arts London, Norwich University of the Arts, The Royal Academy of Dramatic Art; as well as degree apprenticeships, Oxford University (2) and a sport scholarship