Prep pupils have been treated to three insightful Inspire 2 Inquire talks

The pupils in Years 5-8 have been treated to three insightful and inspiring talks during the Lent Term’s ‘Inspire 2 Inquire’ sessions on Friday afternoons from three Prep School parents. At the beginning of the term, we welcomed Ms Alison Bell, who gave a fascinating talk on Scottish culture and traditions around the time of Burns Night. After half term, the pupils learned about the principles and application of artificial intelligence from Mr Alex Pim and asked interesting questions relating to a career in this area. To conclude the term, Mr Peter Ormosi delivered an intriguing session on how economics helps you understand the whole world – a complex notion that Peter delivered in an engaging way. On behalf of the Prep School, we would like to thank these parents for their time and effort in supporting the Inspire 2 Inquire programme and its aims in broadening the knowledge and cultural capital that our pupils have. Next term, we look forward to welcoming more visitors to speak to our pupils.