Pupils and staff raise money for EAAA by completing ‘Only the Brave’ assault course

On the afternoon of Saturday October 1st 20 School and House Prefects took to a 10 kilometre, 26 Obstacle race in Thetford, raising money for East Anglian Air Ambulance. ‘Only The Brave’ was ran by the following students and staff; William J, Theo M, Jake O, Miami, Konsti L, Emil S, Boaz V, Alice D, Lily C, Tanya P, Phoebe W, Hattie R, Grace H, Molly P, Cameron H, Arthur B, Raph C, Alex M, James A, Johnny D, Mr Sharrock, Mr Burnett and Mr Cox. Thanks too to Mrs Robb for being our official photographer!

It was a great afternoon with sunny skies, lots of water and plenty of mud! Collectively they have so far raised almost four hundred pounds for the East Anglian Air Ambulance. It is not too late to sponsor their efforts at: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/greshams2022